Pierre Joye wrote:

> @Greg and Steph: Private discussions are bad. Or are you trying to say
> that this list can't be used as a discussion platform (even heated)?
> If we like to have a developer only list, let do it, but keep things
> in the public area, that's the only way to keep our decision process
> transparent for everyone.

Hi Pierre,

Go ahead and attack my character if you feel it serves some purpose and
benefits PHP.  I on the other hand will continue to post actual
solutions, patches and discuss them.

I stand by my obvious public intent with the multiple emails, RFCs and
patches I have sent.  It's truly laughable to suggest that I have done
anything private when the truth is closer to a flood of internals with
public airing of ideas and patches :).

With regard to the namespace discussion, the decision has been made by
the RMs, and unless your intent is to undermine or reformulate the RM
process, I suggest we get in line behind Lukas and Johannes and instead
start talking about implementing the new separator or about other
unrelated issues in namespaces.


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