Felipe Pena wrote:
So as suggested and wished, here is a patch that add a modifier '%' to
'a' in parameter parsing API, where it allows object that implements
ArrayAccess to be accept. Although it doesn't invoke any their methods,
i.e. just how it works nowdays.

A list of functions that allow object on current 5.2:
. end
. prev
. next
. reset
. current
. key
. array_key_exists
. array_unique
. array_flip
. array_walk_recursive
. array_walk
. uksort
. uasort
. usort
. natcasesort
. natsort

Hence, I added such modifier to this functions in the patch.

5.3: http://felipe.ath.cx/diff/arg_arrayaccess.diff

It should probably be '#', because that modifier means 'alternate 


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