> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Why would you need that given that we have host, path or .user.ini
>> support? Which has to be backported to FPM as far as I know.

> you're probably right. i mainly am only thinking of PHP_INI_SYSTEM and
> things the user can't or shouldn't change themselves in .user.ini type
> files or with things like htscanner (pre 5.3)

Actually, I retract that.

Unless there is a "Pool" identifier added:

Host can be different for the same pool
Path can be different for the same pool
.user.ini's don't work for *every* ini option.

Or, instead of per-pool .ini files, then just have per-pool ini
overloads, using the previous example, something like:

worker.name= default;
worker.listen.address = tcp:
worker.listen.backlog = -1
worker.listen.owner = nobody
worker.listen.group = nogroup
worker.listen.mode = 0666
worker.php_defineshort_open_tag = On
worker.ini.error_reporting = E_ALL (yes this is not a big deal to
change on another level, but just using it as an example)

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