On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Stanislav Malyshev <s...@zend.com> wrote:

> How real would be the case of 2 hosts in the same pool having same configs,
> but the same hosts in different pool having different configs?

I never though about that but I can tell you I use all my websites
under the same pool. I partition my pools by uid/gid. So each client
has their own pool. Many hosts. Typically same path prefix, but that's
not a safe bet. Pool is somewhat agnostic to the host/path.

> or even better strip worker. prefix - it looks like everything in worker
> section is for worker, so just have something like:
> [worker:blah]
> ini.error_reporting=E_ALL

well to match the existing syntax you'd want [WORKER=blah] - let's not
introduce too many syntaxes and such. I already think that the [HOST=]
and [PATH=] can conflict (never did ask what happens if both get
matched, foo.com and /htdocs/foo.com, but they have different
parameters. Is it the last one in order in the config file?)

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