Hi Lester,

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Lester Caine<>  wrote:
Ferenc Kovacs wrote:

sorry my FUD counter just overflowed with your last comment.

Sorry you feel that way, but obviously there are more people with my view
that we simply do not agree on IF annotation should be implemented. I'm a
lot more comfortable with something that works WITH what we already have
rather than going off on yet another tangent. Tidying existing docblock
content to an updated format makes a lot more sense then having to do a
wholesale re-write many thousands of files. Adding another copy of much of
the same data in a complete different format is equally insane?

Documentation != Annotation.

A documentation is something that is human readable and understandable
bu humans, but not for applications.
An annotation is a behavioral functionality that is between human
readable and machine readable.
It's the starting point for AOP, which allows you to intercept
execution. I won't enter in details because I assume you have enough
experience to know how does it work.

I feel that enough people have explained why the current docblock standard should not be replaced by yet another layer, but I have yet to see something 'annotation' related that has not already been used for several years within the docblock wrapper format. I come from BCB where compiler commands have always been in comments so it's natural for me anyway.

PDO is another case in point - that is still not accepted and fully
functional as a replacement for the genric drivers ... ADOdb still provides
a valid abstraction layer, and if you must use PDO then it just loads that
instead of the generic one ... and it runs just as fast on either. PDO is
functional, but needs more work, however there are few people that find the
need for improving it?

PDO is horrible. You have to implement workarounds for almost every driver
For example Oracle driver... I already reported to Chris tons of
issues (bug ids) that even include patches for each situation and I
saw a *VERY* few bugs fixed.
I know he has priorities and etc, but it seems that you flood your
mouth to talk about PDO, but actually, writing abstraction drivers
around it is very painful.

Something we can agree on! PDO was never the right solution to any problem, and had the time been spent on bringing the ADOdb accelerator code into PHP properly I can't help feeling we would have something much better today. I still use ADOdb and have since day one, and cringe when people ask why it hasn't been replaced by PDO ... when I can run the same test suite in ADOdb using a native and the equivalent PDO driver then things may be better, but you still need ADOdb to handle the SQL abstraction anyway.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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