On 05/11/2011 11:05 PM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
On 05/11/2011 11:01 PM, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
phpdox generates documentation for Zend Framework in less than two
minutes using less than 50 megabytes of memory ;-)

 I forgot to mention that the above is for a run without an existing
 cache. With an existing cache it is 5 seconds and 5 megabytes.

It's good to hear that Arne is making such fine progress; those are nice stats. Is this including or excluding transforming the reflector output to a full documentation site?
(Perhaps best to answer off-group to reduce off-topic 'chatter'?)

Allow me to showcase more detailed stats of my own for completeness (then I will stop going off-topic unless requested ;)):

A full parse including the generation of a full website takes 9.2 minutes and 44.8M RAM. An incremental parse (which you call cache?) takes 3.3 minutes and 42.51M RAM.


Mike van Riel

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