
What are you actually afraid of?

Libmysql will still be supported. Mysqlnd, despite your examples, work out
of a bix with all major apps and frameworks out there. We do test it using
drupal 6&7, wp, oscommerce, mediawiki, sugarcrm, etc since 5.3.0. We have
zero compatibility.

In short, I do not understand your opposition.
On Sep 4, 2011 11:33 AM, "Stas Malyshev" <> wrote:
> Hi!
> On 9/4/11 2:13 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> again:
>> running some hundret domains and made the switch to PHP 5.3 AND mysqlnd
>> at once, no single problem - there are no differences in the real world
> That's assuming "real world" is exclusively your experience. In the
> meantime, outside of this "real world" I just sent to the list two
> examples where mysqlnd semantics as assumed by tests appears to be
> different from libmysql.
>> so why are these not reported upstream 1 year ago and fixed?
> I don't know why. Why indeed? Why we have tests that fail and nobody
> fixed them 1 year ago or asked why they fail? I have no good answer to
> that, sorry. Do you?
> But while this may be very curious, the real question is - how we fix it
> *now*?
>> mhh in the real world some function makes the insert and giving back the
>> this maybe only relevant in spaghetti code and even there you fetch the
>> insertid after the insert and not 2000 lines later
> By "real world" you again must be meaning exclusively your code. Let me
> be the first to congratulate you that your code won't be affected.
> However the point of BC is not to be compatible exclusively with your
> code, other code matters too. Including the code you may not like.
> --
> Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
> SugarCRM:
> (408)454-6900 ext. 227
> --
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