>>> It needs an RFC because it needs to document whether or not the other
>>> DB drivers should also be changed.
>> It's a PDO driver-specific change. So to me it's fairly straight
>> forward to see that no other drivers need changing... It doesn't even
>> hit the mysql API level...
>> Not saying an RFC isn't needed, just that justification isn't clear to
>> me...
> Go commit if you feel like the change is widely accepted, you are willing to
> explain the differences to users and no test breaks. After all its a tiny,
> little PDO driver default setting.

I think you interpreted me wrong. I was just pointing out that this
change would be localized to the PDO_MySQL driver. And that
documenting whether other DB drivers should be changed is a moot
point, since they already aren't using emulation by default...

And where did the passive-agressive thing hit off? I posted it to list
as a question and a suggestion. I didn't say "let's just do it, who
cares". I didn't say anything about any of the points that were
raised, I just wanted to clarify something that I thought was
miscommunicated. You brought up some very valid points. Points that
shouldn't be ignored. I just haven't addressed them because I haven't
wrapped my head around them fully yet...

So in short, can we please take it down a notch?


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