On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 3:09 AM, Andrew Faulds <ajf...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> If you think 1.1 =/= 1.01 you're sure using some weird version numbers.
> Only 1.0.1 would be smaller.
> Has anyone seen these weird version ordering schemes in practise? On any
> major projects of note?
*raises his hand*

1.01 and 1.0.1 are essentially the same thing.  If a versioning model
doesn't utilize the second dot (many don't), then 1.01 would be the same as
1.0.1 in a project that does use it.

The Gitflow model reserves that last digit for hotfixes.  However, many
developers (including myself) drop the second dot as it's pretty much
superfluous.  Maybe that's an American thing,  I dunno.  But having 1.1 ==
1.01 would cause this function to be completely and utterly *worthless *for
many developers like myself.


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