On 22/07/12 04:08, Kris Craig wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 3:09 AM, Andrew Faulds <ajf...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>> If you think 1.1 =/= 1.01 you're sure using some weird version numbers.
>> Only 1.0.1 would be smaller.
>> Has anyone seen these weird version ordering schemes in practise? On any
>> major projects of note?
> *raises his hand*
> 1.01 and 1.0.1 are essentially the same thing. 
No, it is not.

> If a versioning model doesn't utilize the second dot (many don't), then 1.01 
> would be the same as
> 1.0.1 in a project that does use it.
It's the first time I hear about a project writing 1.0.1 as 1.01

> The Gitflow model reserves that last digit for hotfixes.  However, many
> developers (including myself) drop the second dot as it's pretty much
> superfluous.  Maybe that's an American thing,  I dunno.  But having 1.1 ==
> 1.01 would cause this function to be completely and utterly *worthless *for
> many developers like myself.

It doesn't matter that you bump the minor or revision number, it's up to
project what should increase on a change of X severity. It would still
work flawlesslly
as far as you do it consistently.
If you release 1.0.1, 1.02, 1.0.3 and expect it to order that way, it
will fail. And I guess
that so would many developers too.

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