
> The issue I have with this is just that we don't seem to be making
> much of an effort to stick to the promises we've made around BC when

We make a lot of effort to do this. But it does not mean we should be
blindly and stupidly following the rigid rules even when it makes zero
sense in practice.

> it doesn't suit us to. I agree: in practice, I can't imagine anyone
> caring a jot about these functions being removed, but we've said that
> when we're going to remove something, we'll deprecate for a minor
> release, then remove. Why don't we live up to it?

Exactly because in practice it is not important. So on one side, you
have making PHP better without any practical downside. On the other
side, you have delaying making PHP better, but feeling good about
strictly following bureaucratic rules. I prefer the former.

Rules are important, but it is also important to not lose the sight of
the goal - why these rules exist and when they make sense. And when they
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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