On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 15:49:26 +0100, Alan Knowles <a...@roojs.com> wrote:

I was trying to vote against, for what it's worth.

It's a major bc break with no obvious value, and what appears to be 7 days given to vote when every one is busy discussing a new property syntax.

Traits is cute, but this was a amazing feature of the PHP language, not obvious, but it's pretty similar to Javascript, not sure why it would be so confusing.....

Sorry for being contrary, but i was a but shocked that this was.going to be removed

You had more than 6 months to voice your concerns. There was a discussion when the feature was proposed during summer. I'm sorry you did not notice it, but I can't be spamming the list every once in a while to maximize the number of people that are aware of what's going on.

Concerns about voting periods not having an upper bound notwithstanding, there was nothing remotely irregular about the way the process was conducted. I therefore find your comments about "sneaking this in" rather odd. Blame yourself instead.

Again, I'm not commenting on the merits.

Gustavo Lopes

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