On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Alan Knowles <a...@roojs.com> wrote:

> I was trying to vote against, for what it's worth.

trying to re-open the vote and voting after Gustavo announced that the
voting was closed?
that's sounds a little bit weird.

> It's a major bc break with no obvious value, and what appears to be 7 days
> given to vote when every one is busy discussing a new property syntax.

personally I don't think it is a major BC break, AFAIR it is an
undocumented feature, it is marked by E_STRICT, and for the next release
this change will be only bumping from E_STRICT to E_DEPRECATED so anybody
out there depending on this will be notified and has time to deal with the
issue before the next release after 5.5.
closing the votes after 7 days is fine, and I think it wasn't closed to
rush the decision but it seemed that nobody was against it.

> Traits is cute, but this was a amazing feature of the PHP language, not
> obvious, but it's pretty similar to Javascript, not sure why it would be so
> confusing.....

because $this doesn't make sense in a static call, and assuming the caller
methods scope isn't something what you would guess beforehand trying it out.
it is unintuitive and you will be surprised that it works when you first
encounter this.

> Sorry for being contrary, but i was a but shocked that this was.going to
> be removed

I think that if you have concerns it is better to talk it over so if we
missed something then it will brought forth.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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