> I don't want to have a vote with over two choices, I don't think it
would be fair
> (one option could pass without >50% voting for it), and a binary 6/7
choice is
> forcing people's hand. I want it to be simple and straightforward, so
that is why
> it is Yes or No to PHP 6. If people vote no, there could always be a
> vote later, but that is not what I want to do.

I think there's some confusion here.

If the next version of PHP is going to be a major one (which is clearly
defined in https://wiki.php.net/rfc/releaseprocess), then I believe the
only two options that were ever raised are PHP 6 and PHP 7.  If you're
aware of other proposals that were made then please state them, otherwise,
I think it's a very clear decision between 6 and 7 - and putting this as a
'yes/no' for 6 gives it undue advantage.

If it's not going to be a major version, then we're talking about PHP 5.7
and there's no reason for this discussion in the first place.

Really, the only decision on the table is "what do we call the next
version of PHP if it's a major one", and the two options on the table are
'6' and '7'.  That is, assuming we decide there is a decision to be made
on the table to begin with.

> I've covered the PHP 7 issue more now.

Not really, not in a meaningful way.  You haven't covered the real
drawbacks of calling it PHP 6 (it's still this books thing which nobody
cares about, and perhaps even incites people to support 6 just to spite
these 'evil book authors'), and you haven't covered the advantages or
disadvantages of calling it 7 - beyond a very weak and very biased
dismissal.  I'm intentionally not going into those here, because I don't
want to (re)start the discussion right here and now.  A lot has been said
already about this and the RFC should reflect it, or not move ahead.

> > Of course, you don't have to buy into that reasoning, but let's not
> > tuck the discussion away under the carpet.  If we were to have this
> > discussion now, let's make the best cases we can for both options on
> > the table, instead of focusing on just one and dismissing the
> > opposition as something about books.
> Sure.

Andrea - this updated RFC is the very definition of tucking the discussion
under the carpet and trying to run ahead to force a 6 decision without
doing the discussion that already took place any justice.

The only way to really make the case for both options is for someone who
believes in each option to make the case;  And to make this RFC about a
decision between these two.  You may be the one for 6 but you're clearly
not the one for 7;  I could be that someone if this can wait for later in
July (and I see no reason why it couldn't).

However, I have to say I wish that instead of (IMHO) wasting energy on
such a discussion at this point, we'd focus on the actual content of
php.next.  People sharing phpng benchmarks and testing it with their apps
would be a whole lot more productive use of our time.


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