On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:

> On 6 Jul 2014, at 01:29, Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I would, however, recommend that Andrea take Zeev's input and create a
> more comprehensive section outlining his arguments in favor of breaking
> from the current convention.  Another section could be created to outline
> the other side.  What we don't want is a situation where Zeev feels
> compelled to write a competing RFC.  That could get messy, so I think it'd
> be best if the two of you could find enough common ground to make this RFC
> acceptable to both sides.
> Right. As I said, I’m willing to improve the Rationale section with
> suggestions, I just can’t think of many other arguments for at the moment.
> Perhaps I need to delve deeper and read some more previous discussions. I’m
> not in favour of the version skip, and though I can play devil’s advocate,
> I am not really very good at doing so here. I don’t dispute that the
> Rationale section could do with improvement.
> >
> > I'd also recommend that, since you're calling for a 2/3 vote, you
> specify more clearly what it is that requires 2/3; breaking the current
> convention or keeping the current convention?  I'm guessing you probably
> meant the former, but the wording seemed a bit vague on that point to me.
> I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about here, but to clarify: It is
> a 2/3 majority-required vote on whether or not the name should be PHP 6.
> That would be in line with the current convention of incrementing the major
> version number.
That's exactly my point; i.e. "2/3.... whether or not" seems ambiguous to
me.  Does that mean that a 2/3 "yes" vote is required for the version to be
PHP 6?  Or does it mean that a 2/3 "no" vote is required for the version
*not* to be PHP 6?


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