Am 12.01.16 um 16:45 schrieb Sascha Schumann:
>> During the CoC-Discussion the idea came up to vote certain CoC-issues
>> (call them whatever you like) in a more secure way so that no one sould
>> be able to bully someone into an - for him or her - inappropriate
>> decission. One way to do so could be a somehow anonymised vote.
> Is discussing things openly considered 'bullying'?

It should not. But it seems that sometimes people have different
understandings of what is appropriate.
>> So I think we have to distinguish between technical votes on what way
>> the language itself develops (which should always be open and as
>> transparent as possible) and non-technical votes (which can be very
>> personal and should therefore respect the privacy of the voter).
> As this concerns the future of the community, the vote should definitely be
> public, and not secret. 

Definitely!!! And that requires an RFC that - at least in my eyes -
needs a 2/3rd(+1) majority to be accepted *because* it concerns the
future of the community!


                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
|                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
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