Am 06.06.2017 um 12:27 schrieb François Laupretre:
What I am proposing here is very different, as the main objective is to dramatically reduce the line count of the core source, without significant performance loss. If we had an army of C developers maintaining every core extension, maybe we wouldn't need that, but we don't (we even have fewer and fewer). What we have instead is thousands of lines of C code without any active maintainer. 'phar' is an example we talked about recently, but there are many others. Converting some of this code to PHP without loosing performance would improve the situation, IMO. So, while I agree that 3rd-party extensions may have very good reasons to maintain both an extension and a PHP package, opposing this for core extensions is very different.

but what is the difference? just because you re-write some code in a different programming language don't grow maintainers for the future of that code

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