Le 05/06/2017 à 19:46, François Laupretre a écrit :
> Hi,
> PCS provides a fast and easy mechanism to mix C and PHP code in PHP
> extensions (more about PCS at http://pcs.tekwire.net). Thanks to the PHP
> 7 performance improvement and the inclusion of opcache in the core, a
> lot of existing non-performance-critical extension code may now be
> converted to PHP without significant performance loss (this must be
> measured case by case, of course, but tests show that opcode-cached PHP
> code is often faster than C).

Sorry, but I don't like the idea of having PHP code bundled in C extension.

Have low-level part written in C, and user-land part in PHP is indeed a
good way (e.g. mondodb, phpiredis + phredis...), but having the PHP
library distributed via composer or any other way is enough.


P.S. IIRC couchbase have tried this way, and revert it

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