On Monday, February 4, 2019 5:11 PM, Thomas Hruska <thru...@cubiclesoft.com> 

> On 2/4/2019 6:32 AM, Andrey Andreev wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I could nitpick on most of the proposed plan, but I really only wanted
> > to reply to this:
> >
> > > > -   A new home page, not a "news" page, but a page simply showing the 
> > > > PHP Logo, a code example maybe and
> > > >     the download link [3].
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [...]
> > > > [3] 
> > > > https://camo.githubusercontent.com/762e5d9fcaaa4ecf645343350a91929f99f452e9/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f584477675261662e706e67
> >
> > I just hate those useless landing pages.
> > Yes, it looks neat and clean, but after the initial "OMG so pretty"
> > phase it just becomes annoying - noone cares about the code example
> > and I for one never know what "Get Started" means. PHP isn't some
> > consumer desktop software; nobody would just stumble upon php.net and
> > "get started" with it, whatever that means ...
> > I'm all for a modern look and all, but let's please keep the news on
> > the index page. Personally, I only go to php.net to look for the news,
> > changelogs and to search the docs. This image suggests that I'd need
> > to do an extra click for each of those things and I'm sure I wouldn't
> > be the only one unhappy about that.
> > Cheers,
> > Andrey.
> I regularly go to thephp.net homepage for the live documentation search
> function just to make sure I'm using functions correctly. My most
> frequent search is the date() function for the % code list. One of
> these days I'll print out that docs page instead of looking it up every
> time to save everyone the bandwidth. Of the things I'd miss the most
> would be the live documentation search feature to jump directly to what
> I'm looking for. Google Search doesn't cut it here.
> For a newbie, I'd say a "Get Started" button that goes to a vetted group
> of starter tutorials (maybe videos?) on a variety of subjects could be
> valuable. I wouldn't want the homepage to load a video player though.
> My biggest complaint is that there's nothing in the mockup that says
> what PHP is for.
> Website: "Here's PHP spelled out and a difficult to comprehend code
> example. Uh...Get Started?"
> First time visitor: "Okay, that's great. Now tell me what is PHP in
> words I can understand and what can I use it for and is it popular?"
> A code example rarely, if ever, makes a good first impression.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thomas Hruska
> CubicleSoft President
> I've got great, time saving software that you will find useful.
> http://cubiclesoft.com/
> And once you find my software useful:
> http://cubiclesoft.com/donate/

thanks for your suggestion, i have update the mock up to :

1. include a search input in the navbar
2. move the "Getting Started" button to the navbar
3. include a short description of what PHP is ( the same one that is currently 
on the of php.net )

see : https://github.com/azjezz/web-php-mock-ups

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