On 8/8/2019 3:26 AM, Côme Chilliet wrote:
Le mercredi 7 août 2019, 15:57:02 CEST Chase Peeler a écrit :
Pretty much everyone (if not actually
everyone) that is against this RFC has stated that they don't actually use
short tags, and do not advocate that anyone else use them either.

This is what bugs me, the counter argument page from Zeev states «I never use 
short tags in any PHP code that I write, and as far as I recall - I never have. 
  and at the same time «put hundreds of thousands of people through additional 
pain when upgrading.»

Is there any data that support the theory that hundreds of thousands of people 
use short tags?

Did anyone in this discussion stated that he was using them?

I used to use them extensively right up until the first RFC passed (e.g. CLI scripts, personal web apps, and some production systems). Had several thousand references to resolve but I'm off them now, whichever way this second RFC round goes. Other people chimed in that they use them too in "legacy production systems."

Open source userland development demands the long open tag. So any scans of open source, public repos is going to be skewed heavily against actual use of short open tags. You simply can't rely on Composer or GitHub stats to show real-world usage numbers in this instance.

So, yeah, people use them.

Also, just because a lawyer, a lobbyist, or an ambassador are themselves unaffected by some issue doesn't mean they can't represent a class of an underserved population to bring forth awareness, justice, or action. In many cases, they are in better positions with sufficient contacts to reach the right people to bring forth such things that would otherwise never come to light.

Thomas Hruska
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