On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 3:35 PM Zeev Suraski <z...@php.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 9:10 PM Bishop Bettini <bis...@php.net> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 7:34 AM G. P. B. <george.bany...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > > The voting for the "Deprecate short open tags, again" [1] RFC has
> begun.
> > > It is expected to last two (2) weeks until 2019-08-20.
> > >
> > > A counter argument to this RFC is available at
> > > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/counterargument/deprecate_php_short_tags
> > >
> > > Best regards
> > >
> > > George P. Banyard
> > >
> > > [1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_php_short_tags_v2
> >
> > <? is a security risk today, just as much as it was then. Remember in
> 2007
> > when Facebook's source code leaked precisely because of this [1]?
> >
> Where's the evidence that it was precisely or even remotely because of
> this?  Literally all of the PHP code leaks I've come across over the years
> had to do with a misconfigured Web server - e.g., load Apache without
> properly setting up handling for .php files, or having things like .inc
> files not blocked from HTTP access.
> As we deprecate short_tags, should we consider deprecating all SAPIs, and
> roll our own high-performance Web server into PHP?  That's the only way to
> truly do away with the main vector for PHP source code leakage.
> >
> > Much has been said about this being a "portability" issue. I think that's
> > overly specific. The core issue is "fallibility". You can globally
> > configure the language to stop recognizing itself as a language. That's
> > weird and unexpected. So much so, that no one gives due thought to this,
> > and we end up with security disasters.
> >
> Except these are so uncommon and rare (I'm not aware of a single one, which
> doesn't mean there weren't any - but that they're not very common at all),
> that perhaps, just perhaps, it's a bit of an exaggeration to present them
> as a clear and present danger.
> PHP.net has opined, for years, that <? is bad[2].
> This is the opinion of the person who wrote this document.  I'm sure many
> agree with him - but there's no person named 'PHP.net' that can opine on
> things.
> That said - if you think people read the manual and are aware that this is
> discouraged and act accordingly - it's all the more reason to not care
> about this issue.  If they don't, well, then it doesn't mean much that it's
> written over there.  I personally don't think too many people read the
> manual on PHP's opening tags (I have absolutely no data to back this gut
> feeling up - it's just my gut feel).
> > It's time to act. So much
> > else breaks at the 8.0 boundary, let's do it all at once.
> The "we're breaking things so badly anyway, let's break'm some more"
> argument has been refuted many times on this list.  First, I don't think
> we're breaking anything really badly in PHP 8.  And secondly, this remains
> as bad a reason as it's ever been to break stuff.
> Breakage is not binary - it accumulates.  The more you have of it - the
> more difficult it is to migrate, and the slower is the migration.
> > If anyone needs
> > to justify the effort, let them say "<? is a security hole".
> >
> It's a security hole in the exact same level that httpd.conf is a security
> hole.  Yes, misconfiguring your Web server can have severe consequences.
> Thankfully, it's not nearly that big of a Thing for us to be concerned
> about.
> We need to get rid of the display_errors ini directive as well. It
definitely shouldn't default to "1" or be set to "1" in the sample files
distributed with PHP. I would think this is a much greater security risk
than short tags. While we're at it, we need to get rid of the ability to
even set custom error handlers. If a programmer doesn't use that correctly,
they could still end up exposing error messages that contain sensitive

> Zeev

Chase Peeler

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