> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Korulczyk [mailto:rob...@korulczyk.pl]
> Can you give an example where using `.user.ini` may create unexpected and hard
> to notice code leaks?

I did mention such example with the 'engine' setting ( 
https://www.php.net/manual/en/apache.configuration.php#ini.engine as it's 
PHP_INI_ALL ). Of course you could ask why would anyone do that (and afaik it's 
sapi specific) but technically it can happen just in one "hard to notice" 

Note that atm short_tags are by default enabled and the disable happens only in 
php(-cli).ini so unless one throws the ini configuration files around willy 
nilly it is a deliberate decision from administrator. 

p.s. to clarify I'm not against changing the default value to disabled (to be 
consistent with the distributed ini-examples and (coding) recommendations) but 
I still don't understand what is the reason to deny for end-users the ability 
to change/re-enable this feature if they need it and choose so.

But according to some emails for some reasons the existence of short tags now 
has turned out to be a major language future/feature blocker .. so go figure.


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