Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that real users compile everything from source -- just Ion. I myself use both Debian unstable and Ubuntu. I only compile things from scratch if they are programs that I really care about and that aren't current enough in the distros.


Peter Schuller wrote:
As everyone knows, real Ion users compile from source ;-) If you need a distro to manage Ion installation, maybe you should consider some other WM...?

I will totally agree on the "debian is always 3 years out of date"
issue (TRUST me, I feel the pain daily), but I have to disagree
strongly with the above statement. It doesn't matter how competent you
are, you do NOT want to maintain thousands of programs manually unless
you have nothing better to do in your life than managing said

If I want a newer version, assuming I'm not stuck on Debian, it's
easier to just update the port/pkgsrc package and compile from that,
than to keep compiling maunally from source with all the
deinstall/upgrade hell it entails.

BTW thanks for a great window manager. Now I'm ruined forever; all the other WMs have so much eye candy I feel like I'm going to go into insulin shock whenever I try them.

Yep. I am totally hooked.

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