
Today Joerg van den Hoff wrote:

I don't think this attitude is helpful. what's the sense of this?
sure, you are not overreacting a bit?
the moment. you want to force the guys to upgrade their system every few weeks
or remove `ion3' altogether?  mmh. could serve as a strategy to ensure that ion
users know each other personally in a few years.

a happy not-even-having-compiled-it-himself-prehistoric-version-of-ion3-user

Even I you don't care about it I wanted to say I fully agree with
Joerg. I'm sorry I have asked stupid outdated newbie questions when
you once broke the API and my ion didn't work as before. It certainly
pissed you off but that is why others have answered with a short RTFM
and its reference... Ion is *really* cool and I cannot think about
using another window manager for the next few years. I've been using
debian for ten years now and even if I don't always like the way it
works, it still serves me way better than any other distro. But you
probably agree with that as well.

I know users are a pain in the ass to developpers but my point is:
debian maintainers are volunteers and spend their time where they can
afford to and where they like it. By acting like that, I think the
ion3 package will soon disappear from debian. And I don't think anyone
else will volunteer soon given the way it ended... You make it look
like you anyway want ion3 out of debian but I think this is a loss.
Whatever you decide, it won't change anything to me, but still... it
would suck.


It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10
functions on 10 data structures.
   -- "Epigrams in Programming", by Alan J. Perlis of Yale University.

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