Today Tuomo Valkonen wrote:

As if I wasn't a volunteer too.

Of course you are. I just think it is obvious enough to avoid adding a
lame "(just like you)" after the volunteer laius.

I spent my time where I want,
and that doesn't include supporting lusers using the ancient
releases that Debian provides.

All I'm saying is, imho, you'd better ignore lusers rather than
shutting everything off and thus preventing new users to come to ion
and existing users to keep up (with some delay...) with the latest
ion. Decreasing the size of your mailbox size does not seem worth it
to me. But it's your mailbox after all, not mine... :)

Like I said: every prophet in his house. Do whatever you want, it
won't change my life. I'll keep using ion and debian and probably will
compile from the cvs only when I realize I'm getting too far away from
your development version (that you were about to stop working on I
thought or at least really slow down). I just think you're making a
weird choice... but it's yours after all! ;)



Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written,
and another for which it wasn't.
   -- "Epigrams in Programming", by Alan J. Perlis of Yale University.

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