
I agree. The basic spec should be lean and mean. Do you see anywhere that
we have over-defined things?


> Hi Margaret & authors,
> A high-level question - I think that many of your comments could/should
> be handled by applications which use the flowspec.  I am not so sure
> that the draft, draft-ietf-ipv6-flow-label-02.txt, should define
> these things.
> For example, I much prefer that the application (or signaling
> protocol) set the following:
>         1) cached flow info timeout
>         2) re-use of flow label values
> Additionally, signaling protocols making use of the flow spec should (must?)
> define how routers are expected to use the flow label.
> In NSIS, we are starting to discuss these issues, and I would worry if
> the IPv6 WG goes into too much detail with regards of how the flow label
> is used, etc.
> thanks,
> John
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ext Margaret Wasserman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 10 July, 2002 03:29
> > To: Rajahalme Jarno (NRC/Helsinki); Steve Deering; Alex Conta; Brian
> > Carpenter
> > Subject: IPv6 Flow Label Specification
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi Jarno, Steve, Alex and Brian,
> >
> > I have a couple of questions about the latest IPv6 Flow Label
> > Specification <draft-ietf-ipv6-flow-label-02.txt>.
> >
> > First, do you intend this specification to be mandatory for all
> > IPv6 nodes?  I would prefer a statement that nodes SHOULD
> > implement this specification, and that nodes that do not implement
> > this specification MUST set the flow label in all originated
> > packets to zero.
> >
> > Also, should we define a default timeout for cached flow information
> > (i.e. 10 minutes)?  This would allow nodes to free information on
> > "recent" flows in a consistent fashion, when no signalling or other
> > mechanisms are available to indicate how long a flow could live.
> >
> > Could you also indicate whether the information about previous
> > flows needs to survive TCP/IP restarts and/or node reboots?
> >
> > Previous discussions of the flow label have centered around its
> > potential use for load sharing -- allowing a router to keep
> > flows together when choosing between alternate paths.  Is that
> > still an expected use of this mechanism?  How does this fit with
> > the requirement in section 5, bullet (1): "The flow state
> > establishment
> > mechanism MUST covey this classifying information to the IPv6 nodes
> > that need to perform the classification".  Is a load sharing router
> > a degenerate case where the information only needs to be conveyed
> > to the router itself?  Could you maybe add this example to the
> > document, and explain how it fits into each area of requirement?
> >
> > Will hosts reuse a flow label if an application indicates that they
> > shoud?
> >
> > I'm still concerned about how/if routers may cache forwarding
> > information based on the flow label.  Is it you intention that this
> > would be an acceptable use?  What about security information?
> > It still seems to me that acceptable uses of the flow label are
> > tied to just how certain we can be that the flow triplet (label,
> > src address and dest address) will actually identify a single flow.
> > And, this means that we would have to have some detailed requirements
> > for how/if flow labels are reused.
> >
> > Margaret
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