Rob Austein wrote:
> At Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:58:38 -0700, Bob Hinden wrote:
> >
> > I think something with similar properties to TCP's initial sequence number
> > selection would be about right.  A toaster-class device will have to deal
> > with that as well.
> I agree that the constraints seem similar.  ISN selection is another
> one of those cases where stable storage vs (good) random numbers is a
> tricky question, at least in the toaster universe.

All of which tells me that if we define a requirement for the flow label
allocation process to survive reboots, it will be a SHOULD not a MUST. 
A toaster would provide a compelling argument for overriding the SHOULD.

But right now we have enough dispute about it that I'd rather leave it
open in the spec, i.e. no change to the draft.

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