> >> I don't disagree with you - however my point was I thought that the
> >> application should be involved in what value of the flow label is used.
> >
> >Is it really the case that the application needs to be involved in
> >choosing the flow label value?  Or is it more reasonable to say that
> >the app needs to be able to indicate that it wants to use *a* flow
> >label?
> >
> >I can see the flow label management issue being more efficient in
> >the IPv6 stack itself.
>         FYI, draft-itojun-ipv6-flowlabel-api-01.txt provides no way to
>         set flowlabel value from the userland.  the (sending) kernel decides
>         the value.  receiver apps can inspect the value.

Exactly.  I prefer that rather than one that requires the apps to make
a decision on the value.

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