On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Keith Moore wrote:
> >      My point is that I believe that a clean separation should be made
> > between global addresses and scoped addresses.  We fully understand
> > how globals and link-locals work.  All the others are still being
> > hashed out.  If we make this break, the address architecture can
> > move along the standards track.  The (great amount of) additional
> > work that needs to be done on scoped addresses can be carried out
> > under the scoped address architecture.
> actually I'd claim that we don't really understand how link-locals
> work, at least not from the applications viewpoint.  but I enthusiastically 
> support the idea of separating the work on globals from the work
> on scoped addresses. 


Consider a TCP session to a node which has fe80::1 assigned on two of its
interfaces, at least sounds potentially problematic.

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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