Hi Alan,

Hopefully in IPv6 the address allocation policies can be more equitable
for all.   A large university or a small commercial enterprise can both 
get a /48.  No need to fill out bundles of paperwork to get more than a /28
for your IPv4 leased line... :)  (The paperwork comes when you want your
second /48, but that should be a while off!)   At the ISP level, it seems
SubTLA allocation policies are quite open at the moment (more so than a
year ago), and this is reflected in the recent (relative) explosion in
SubTLA allocations made.   Or do you still perceive soemthing different

[As an aside, there are many colleges in the UK with a /28 and NAT, but
 that's another story...]


On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 12:28:56PM -0500, Alan E. Beard wrote:
> Tim:
> Please don't misunderstand my intent here:  I don't have a problem with
> the NREN networks, or with the top-quality treatment afforded them in the
> matter of address allocations.  These networks clearly deserve, and should
> have, the best available quality of service in matters related to address
> allocations.
> Additionally, the views expressed in my note don't originate with me;
> rather, my note contained a precis of the views expressed to me (sometimes
> in language of markedly purple and blue character) by some of my clients.
> The objections cited are not to the treatment afforded to the NREN
> networks, but to the decidedly discriminatory treatment afforded to
> end-user commercial (as distinguished from service-provider) networks.
> I offer my profound and abject apologies to the NREN networks; I deeply
> regret any imputation of dog-in-the-manger attitude which might have
> arisen from any reading of my statement; such was certainly not my intent.
> Thank you for raising this matter, and for offering an opportunity to
> correct any mistaken impression which might have arisen from my note.
> Regards,
> On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Tim Chown wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 08:59:21PM -0500, Alan E. Beard wrote:
> > > >
> > > I agree that NREN networks differ from other networks, but it does not
> > > follow that other networks should thereby be forced to discriminatory
> > > treatment while NREN networks obtain top-quality service.  (BTW, Brown v.
> > > Board is a 1950s US Supreme Court ruling which held that, in the provision
> > > of services - in this case, public education - separate facilities or
> > > service models for different groups are inherently unequal.  Furthermore,
> > > the Court held that, in this context, unequal == discriminatory.  This is
> > > considered a landmark ruling in the area of civil rights law.)
> >
> > Alan,
> >
> > I note a second reference to this...
> >
> > You seem to have an "issue" with publicly funded research/education
> > networks, which I don't quite understand.  There are advantages and
> > disadvantages with being attached to an NREN.  There are quite strict
> > AUPs that (should) prevent such networks being used for commercial
> > purposes (which would be unfair competition with commercial providers).
> >
> > My original point was that there is a large (but very much minority) user
> > and system base in the educational networks, where aggregation and (site
> > or enterprise) multihoming is very rare (one of the disadvantages :)
> > Perhaps universities in the future will be more keen to be multi-homed,
> > but enterprise level multihoming is rare in this context.
> >
> > Universities are not forced to use NREN infrastructure, although it would
> > not generally make financial or technical sense to go elsewhere.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> -- 
> Alan E. Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> AEBeard Consulting; 4109 Chelsa Ln; Lakeland FL 33809
> 863.815.2529
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