Michel Py wrote:
This is why I used the term "gambling" before. What you are
lobbying for is to say that it is OK to give away PI and
create the IPv6 swamp

Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:

Brian E Carpenter wrote:
I disagree. If our goal (as it should be) is a 10 billion
node network (at least) then the risks in allowing even the
beginning of a swamp are too great.
I could not agree more with Brian. Something between 1+ billion sites,
10+ billion nodes is the minimum target.

Kurtis, IPv6 is *not* IPv4 with more bits. If we wanted to do this, we
would have made it 64 bits, say "everything's the same except the
address is longer" and we would be done by now.
Exactly!!! IPv6 is IPv4 with a longer address. Nothing more, nothing less. I have been arguing this for quite some time. So the problem is that IPv4 lacks three (or two depending on how you look at it) things

1) Address space shortage
2a) No scalable PI solution
2b) No scalable IDR solution

IPv6 addresses 1. We need to find a solution to 2a and 2b. Now, we can either patch IPv6 in one way or the other, or we can start with a clear plate and look at things to see what we can do. I would vote for the second option, otherwise we might as well go with IPv6 swamp, and see what happens.

I said it before and I will say it again, without a solution to 2a, no enterprises will go to IPv6, with no enterprises on IPv6 there are no revenues for the ISPs in IPv6, with no revenue from IPv6 the ISPs will not go to IPv6. Just because I can reach a webpage over IPv6 doesn't make the web-page more interesting. If it isn't more interesting I can't charge extra for it. Going to IPv6 will cost the ISPs. Sorry. It doesn't work out. We need to progress on multi6 if this is to take off. I am starting to lean towards the fact that progress in multi6 will require us to look at more drastic measures than patching what we have now.

This WG used to be called "IPNG", for "Next Generation". This is what we
are talking about here, a new generation, not IPv4 on steroids.

Why do you think IPv6 on steroids will be any better?

- kurtis -

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