Quality Quorum wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Michel Py wrote:
> > > Aleksey wrote:
> > > BTW, I prepared a draft which spells out NAT6
> >
> > If you're tired of life, there probably are better ways to 
> go than being
> > lynched by a crowd of IETFers.
> Ever heard about SNMP wars? I highly doubt that by now there 
> is so much fire left anywhere in IETF :)

/me puts on his DareDevil suit, hmmm no radar but unlike
the real DareDevil I can see and kick your .... :)
Or to quote some others: send in the clones.

> IMHO being NAT6-neutral/NAT6-friendly would at least reduce its
> commercial attractivness (similar to drug legalization).

Don't say anything about drug legalization when you don't live
in the Netherlands. 80% of the Dutch Nederwiet is destined for export.
Thus allowing it only makes it worse.

> BTW, giving every organization /48 will lead to a pretty big routing
> tables.

You are avoiding the fact that 'organizations' (the people getting
get that /48 out of a /32 from their upstream and that the routing
table _should_ be filtered on those boundaries

Maybe you could take a look at http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/lg/
which, thanks to Gert Doering contains BGP data back to 25 Aug 2001.
The routing tables are getting cleaner by the day. See also Gert's
presentations at RIPE: http://www.space.net/~gert/RIPE/ and his
Filtering list: http://www.space.net/~gert/RIPE/ipv6-filters.html

If you are talking about Multihoming etc, I am sure Michel Py
can enlighten you about it. They have been making great hops
of progress the last couple of weeks.


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