
Mika Liljeberg wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 14:52, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> > If they do that, they will have ignored the health warnings
> > we will put on the RFC.
> Seeing as a good many of those networks will be residential, some of
> those network managers very probably will not know about any health
> warnings (having bought the zero configuration home gateway box and WLAN
> base station from Wall Mart). What I wanted to point out, though, is
> that network merging might not be the most common collision scenario by
> a fair margin.
> I would prefer it if the use of semi-unique local scope addresses were
> restricted to non-connected networks. For any connected network you can
> assume that the network manager is able go to some registry website and
> grab a guaranteed unique prefix.

Ideally, yes. But that doesn't solve all the real world problems - see 
the Hain/Templin draft.


>         MikaL
> > Mika Liljeberg wrote:
> > > The "application" is wireless connectivity to network XYZ, where the
> > > network manager of network XYZ controls the choise of the address space
> > > used. Multi-access basically stands for simultaneous access to multiple
> > > different networks, possibly under different administration. I.e., the
> > > terminal is effectively a host participating in multiple sites at the
> > > same time. Since we can't control the network managers, we simply have
> > > to assume that some of them will choose to use limited range addressing.

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Brian E Carpenter 
Distinguished Engineer, Internet Standards & Technology, IBM 


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