
>>>> So, any thoughts on this topic, and any qualified guesses on when we no 
>>>> longer need to do IPv4 and still be able to call our internet product 
>>>> premium?
>> When will IPv6 provide me as an end-user with more "value" than what my 
>> current NATed IPv4 connection does?
> Today!
> (I'm hearing more and more reports that the CGNs deployed by big german
> cable ISPs are breaking SIP and IPSEC to IPv4-only targets for their
> customers...)

But that's "better value" by making IPv4 work less good. and I'll postulate 
that we can make A+P / shared IPv4 work good enough that end-users who are 
trained to live behind a NATs will not notice.

For me I would get added value when I could deploy IPv6 only services at home, 
e.g. mail, XMPP, web, SIP... VPN.
And I could reach my own home whenever I'm travelling.

With a devil's advocate hat on, IPv6 in my home right now gives me slightly 
more hassle than it is worth.
The only value is that I am able to reach my IPv6 only mail server from work 
and at IETFs, but that's pretty much it.

I can't do IPv4 as a service either (like relegate IPv4 to the edge of the 
network and run IPv6 only inside), because there are too many IPv4 only devices.

When's that going to change?
50% deployment? 90% deployment?


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