Michael Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> From my SF-centric Nexus-of-the-web-trendiod
> standpoint: for residential use (especially with
> broadband) it is simply impossible to have an
> argument about the evils of NAT.

It's even worse than that. If you are residential user, try finding a
home router that is actually a Real Router. I've come to the
unfortunate conclusion that they no longer exist.  The market
landscape has shifted dramatically. All home routers come with NAT
builtin and the functionality can simply _NOT_ be disabled.

I was forced not too long ago to switch DSL providers. I had been
living in bliss: my DSL modem was a bridge to an ISP that gave me as
many public addresses as I wanted using DHCP. It worked well and I was

My current provider is more typical. It is willing to give me extra
addresses (for a monthly charge), so I naively thought I would do this
with a home router. The two home routers I've looked at most closely
(D-Link and Linksys) do not allow one to disable the NAT
functionality. My ISP (after having supposedly done research) says
this is the case for all home routers. To get a real router would seem
to cost a lot more (i.e, low hundreds of $$).  It has been suggested
that if I want a cheap router, I should go to eBay and by a used
low-end Cisco. Kind of shows how bad the situation actually is.

If one looks at the price point/functionality of home routers, the
situation is not very encouaraging. They typically come with a 4 port
ethernet switch, all for something like $40. They heavily market
security as important, i.e., none of the internal machines are visible
to outside hackers by default.

Given the current feature/functionaliy/price point reality of home
routers, getting them to implement reasonable functionality as an IPv6
router seems like it will be a rather hard sell. :-(


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