> There is not any. Most p2p software relies on some kind of
> (de)centralized infrastructure. Napster did, it was centralized,
> how they shut it down. Even threedegrees does; even if you remove the
> Teredo infrastructure there still is a centralized component: where is
> the list of rooms kept?

Threedegrees does not use a central service to maintain the list of user
groups or musicmix sessions. The groups have unique names, basically
large random numbers that are only known by the group members. The name
space is managed by a distributed application, PNRP. You can get more
information at www.microsoft.com/p2p.

Threedegrees is however tied to MSN Messenger, which uses a central
service to manage the presence application.

> P2p apps still need a mechanism to locate each other. This is even
> important with IPv6 where random scans to find who is running the same
> app are doomed to fail because of the 64-bit IID.

In the case of PNRP, a node needs to find at least one member of the
"cloud" in order to bootstrap. We use persistent caches and local
multicast, which works in many cases, but we ultimately rely on a "seed
server" to connect participants to the PNRP cloud. The seed server is
used for initial contact, and does not hold actual data. 

> What has changed since the Napster days is that rendezvous points are
> now more distributed than they originally were. This has everything to
> do with legal issues and nothing to do with technology. Nevertheless,
> the best search results are still obtained when a few powerful
> that can handle a large search table are available. 

You are confusing discovery and naming. Doing discovery by trying a
fuzzy search over a distributed system is quite hard. Doing a direct
lookup, on the other hand, is relatively easy.

-- Christian Huitema

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