> Proposed resolution: write "MAY be disabled" instead.

Um, I'd suggest that this by itself isn't really all that helpful. It
might help to add some more explanatary text together with
recommendations on what to do. E.g.,

 - should an implementation just configure the address and use it
   anyway? (I doubt this, as this implies we should just punt on DAD)

 - Assume there is a DOS attack, wait a while, and try again? (hoping
   the bad guy goes away in the meantime)

 - generate a new IID and try again? And if so, are there
   recommendations on what kind of ID? And if there is a  DOS attack
   in progress, why would  trying *any* address result in success?

 - Try generating a new address, but use exponential backoff in
   delaying after each failed attempt?

 - something else? (or some combination of the above?)


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