> > >   but then, if we change it to MAY, what is the point in running DAD
> > >   process?  if you do not disable interface (or the address on the
> > >   interface) the owner of the same address will get confused,
> > >   peers of the address get confused, you will do bad things to the
> > >   original owner of the address.  
> > >
> > 
> > I see disabling the interface and disabling the address on the interface
> > as two separate actions.
> > 
> > So, I agree that the interface MAY be disabled.
> Agreed. It is Duplicate ADDRESS Detection, so disabling the address is reasonable,
> disabling the interface is probably too strong.

        re-read the exact text, and i think the above makes sense.

        so proposed change: the last part should be changed to "the interface
        address SHOULD be disabled".  (add "address")


5.4.5.  When Duplicate Address Detection Fails

   A tentative address that is determined to be a duplicate as described
   above, MUST NOT be assigned to an interface and the node SHOULD log a
   system management error.  If the address is a link-local address
   formed from an interface identifier, the interface SHOULD be

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