On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:03:59 +0900 (JST), "Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino"
> > Agreed. It is Duplicate ADDRESS Detection, so disabling the address
> > is reasonable, disabling the interface is probably too strong.
>       re-read the exact text, and i think the above makes sense.
>       so proposed change: the last part should be changed to "the
>       interface address SHOULD be disabled".  (add "address")

Some explanatory text will be needed regarding the semantics of a
"disabled" address, and further actions. Points to be discussed
will include:

    1) How long should an address be disabled for - permanent, or timer
       based? A timer based disabling mechanism might be useful in case
       the user is not able to generate an IID, and wants to re-enable
       the address.

    2) If the disabled address is a static address, then how should
       the user be informed? This one should probably be documented in
       some API document, though I doubt if it is in the purview of an
       IETF document.

    3) Points raised by Thomas - recommendation for generation of new
       IID's, and frequency at which the retries (with new IID's)
       shall be done.


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