
Based on the concensus that appears to be emerging from the
"ICMPv6 Rate Limiting Methods: Revised Text" thread, it
seems to me (please correct me if I am wrong) that there is
no real compelling reason to make any changes to the existing
text of section 2.4 (f) found in the current document:


However, I believe that in order to avoid interoperability issues while
allowing maximum flexibility, some additional text is needed at the
end of that section to specify operational requirements for setting rate
limit parameter values. I would like to propose the following (the 1st
paragraph already appears in the current document; the 2nd and 3rd
paragraphs are new):

  The limit parameters (e.g., T or F in the above examples) MUST
  be configurable for the node, with a conservative default value
  (e.g., T = 0.5 second, NOT 0 seconds, or F = 2 percent, NOT 100

  Nodes MUST NOT configure limit values that would permit
  sustained error rates high enough to monopolize a 10Kbps link
  over any interface attached to the global Internet - either directly,
  or through a gateway that does not implement rate limiting. (The
  10Kbps value reflects the worst-case link speed anticipated along
  any potential path in ther Internet.)

  Nodes that keep extra state information MAY maintain per
  (interface/source) limit values. Nodes that also dynamically
  measure the bandwidth along return paths to specific sources
  MAY maintain dynamic per source limit values based on the
  measured bandwidths, rather than 10Kbps.



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