Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle

Greg, thanks your comments and see my comments (inline)

>I was concerned that M|O could be used to 
>invoke DHCP information-requests
>(rather than just O).


rather than just O ?


This draft wrote as below;


[RFC3736] is just a subset of full DHCPv6.  So, a host

implementing [RFC3315] can do both or either Stateful DHCPv6 for

configuring the IPv6 address and Stateless DHCPv6 for the other

information.  A host implementing only [RFC3736] can only do

Stateless DHCPv6.  

>If we only mean 'managed addressing' with M, and
>Other config with O  then each flag is aligned
>with a particular flag.


Also this draft wrote as below;


This document defines an internal (conceptual) variable for DHCPv6

policy.  The value of this variable in conjunction with the

"ManagedFlag" and the "OtherConfigFlag" of ND protocol [RFC2461]

will be used for invoking the DHCPv6 for autoconfiguration.




Particularly, both "ManagedFlag" and "OtherConfigFlag" which were

implementation-internal variables were removed during [2462bis]

work based on the WG consensus with ambiguous operational

experiences, thus new variables (or similar approaches) is

required to treat M/O flags of IPv6 RA on the host.


>If we have flags which can be used for both
>purposes (like if M=1,O=0 allows hosts to send
>information-requests) then our policy names need
>to be adjusted.


It depends on what configuration is configured. As I indicated above

host which is only available stateful DHCP at its network can configure

other configuration informations via stateful DHCP.
>I think that hosts SHOULD NOT use policy 1 by
>default though.  If they do, it should be by
>explicit configuration.

So, we tried to define the default values of the policies as below;


If the node implementes [RFC3315], the default value of M-Policy

is 2.  If the node does not implement [RFC3315], the default (and

only) policy value is 3.  When assuming [RFC3637] will be

implemented much wider that [RFC3315] in terms of other

configuration information, the default value of O-Policy is either

1 or 2.  Perhaps value 1 is better since this service might be

crucial for the node (i.e., there may be no alternative to get the

other configuration information.)


I believe above mention considers what you worry...



Hope this helps...





Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)

Mobile Platform Laboratory. SAMSUNG Electronics

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