This proposal looks better and easy to understand. However,
if we just rely on timeout for concluding the unavailabiliy of DHCP server,
how does the client re-invoke DHCP if the DHCP server is available later in 
time? I think we need one bit to inform the clients about the
availabilty of DHCP
services in the network.

On 5/20/05, Thomas Narten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stepping up a level (and this also reflects my thinking after a
> private exchange with Ralph/Bernie - but not necessarily their
> thinking!)...
> I think the M/O bits (in retrospect) have turned out to be more
> trouble than they are worth. Indeed, they seem to be mostly just
> confusing. Thus, maybe we should work towards removing them
> completely.
> In an ideal world, there would be exactly one way for a client to
> invoke DHC. That is, it would use the same message exchange to get
> "addresses" as it did for "non-address configuration". In such a
> world, there would be no need for the M/O bits, since the client would
> do the same thing if either one of them were set.
> Unfortunately, we are not quite there, since DHC actually has HCB &
> ICB message exchanges (using Ralph's terminology). Thus, there are
> scenarios where invoking ICB is preferable over HCB. (Aside note: here
> is another example where having two ways to do similar things, results
> in undesirable complexity). Currently, we sort of need the M/O bits so
> a client can know which variant of DHC to invoke. But, we now also
> allow for the possibility of "silly states", i.e., states that aren't
> supposed to happen, but can, e.g., through misconfiguration. Having
> the M bit set but no addresses available is one such example.
> Ralph has already indicated that with some small changes to the DHC
> spec, we might be able to fix the DHC issue so that there is one way
> to invoke DHC that does the right thing in all combinations of
> addresses and/or other configuration information being available via
> DHC.
> If we had that, we wouldn't need two RA bits anymore. At most, a
> single "there is stuff to obtain via DHC" bit would suffice.
> Indeed, one could go further and say "just always invoke DHC", and
> don't even bother with an RA bit saying DHC is available. That has the
> nice property of being simple to implement and you don't have silly
> states where the RA bit(s) are configured incorrectly, etc.
> The only advantage I can see right off to having at least 1 RA bit is
> to tell the client "there is no DHC server running, so don't even
> bother". This would be a performance optimization to allow one to
> avoid needing to invoke DHC and have it timeout -- before concluding
> that there are no DHC servers. Is this a significant optimization?
> Hard to say.
> What I would like to suggest: followup on the above proposed DHC
> changes and see if we can actually "fix" DHC to simplify what the
> client has to do to invoke it. And if that works, do away with one or
> both of the RA bits.
> Remember, simplicity is Good!
> Thomas
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