Good evening all, my apologies to the list (the original message doesn't appear 
to have gone through the first time).

>Date: 2006/08/22 Tue PM 10:25:32 CDT
>To: "Durand, Alain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
        Syam Madanapalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
        IETF IPv6 Mailing List <>
>Subject: Re: RE: Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6

>Hi Alain,
>Thanks for the quick e-mail. As one of the co-authors, I'd in turn like to 
>reply (and state that ICMPv6 PD is ANOTHER way to do IPv6 PD, NOT a 
>replacement for the existing mechanism). FWIW, please see comments in-line:
>>From: "Durand, Alain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: 2006/08/22 Tue PM 09:12:21 CDT
>>To: Syam Madanapalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>       IETF IPv6 Mailing List <>
>>Subject: RE: Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6
>>  "Currently proposed solution for IPv6 Prefix Delegation is based on
>>   DHCPv6 protocol.  We believe that in certain network topologies and
>>   configurations where the CPE routers may not be capable or configured
>>   to use DHCPv6 and hence can not utilize the currently proposed ipv6
>>   prefix delegation procedure.  Therefore an alternate ipv6 prefix
>>   delegation procedure that does not require or depend on the DHCPv6
>>   protocol is needed."
>>Could you please elaborate on the above rationale for this work?
>Alain, that seems to be a fair question. My first inclination is to direct you 
>to an e-mail I'd posted to this workgroup about four weeks ago (25Jul06, 
>0742EST, quoted below):
>"Good morning all. AFAIK, there is currently no defined way (other than via 
>DHCPv6) to do IPv6 PD. It may well be that between a PE and CE, DHCPv6 is 
>neither required nor desired, but PD is. 
>Over the past twelve months or so there has been some interest in ICMPv6 PD 
>expressed to me. I'm considering submitting a related draft, and seeking a 
>co-author. Kindly reply off-line."
>While I welcome your question at the present time, I should say that it would 
>have also been welcomed when the above referenced mail was first sent.
>>Using the DHCPv6 packet format, PD is a 2 packet exchange,
>>and nothing forces any implementation to use the rest of the DHCP
>>The argument that CPE or routers do not implement DHCP is weak because
>>they do not implement this new mechanism either...
>IPv6 ND, the mechanism upon which our approach is based, is implemented 
>virtually ubiquitously, if not entirely so. Please see the draft to see what 
>modifications we propose to accomodate the IPv6 PD requirement using ICMPv6.**
>>So if work need to be done, one could argue that implementing a solution 
>>based on the DHCPv6
>>format is faster as the mechanism is already standardized...
>For "one to so argue" would be to do so incorrectly given the above.**
>It is also true that DHCPv6 PD is already standardized  (in fact, a full six 
>months before the standard that defines IPv6 PD requirements in the first 
>The argument that "implementing a solution based on the DHCPv6 packet format 
>is faster...", because DHCPv6 PD is standardized, is false.
>Even if the "mechanism" to which you refer is vanilla DHCPv6, AFAIK there are 
>NO vendors that implement the entire suite of DHCPv6 abilities. Do you know of 
>Further, sometimes customer requirements drive innovation (yes sometimes, it 
>is the other way around). 
>Customer requirements/requests/demands for an alternative (non DHCPv6-based) 
>IPv6 PD mechanism are on the rise. We (co-authors and I) propose one such way 
>to do it.
>>Again, they would not have to implement the whole DHCPv6 machinery if they do 
>>not want to.
>Perhaps you are correct in this instance, though with the ICMPv6 PD based 
>approach, IPv6 PD could be done without it entirely.
>I implore you to read the draft in its entirety, as I/we do most sincerely 
>welcome the technical review of our proposed mechanism.
>Best Regards,
>Tim Enos
>Rom 8:28
>>   - Alain.
>>IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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