Hi Bob,

> We would like to get your comments on the following two choices:
> 1) Deprecate RH0 as specified in <draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-rh0-01.txt>.
I support this option.

I think having a new header i.e. RH4, should be added with the below
mentioned functionality. I have already got a draft for the same. I
will post it today.


> 2) Revising the draft to restrict the usage of RH0.  This would
> continue to require RH0 to be implemented but would restrict the
> functionality of RH0.  For example, require nodes to have support for
> RH0 turned off by default, limit the number of RH0 headers in a
> packet to one, limit the number of addresses in the RH0 to a smaller
> number (e.g., 6), and and a requirement that addresses can only be in
> the header once.
> Please send your answer this question (including why) to the list or
> to the chairs directly.  We will review the responses and report the
> results to the w.g. early next week.  We are not trying to start a
> debate, but want to get a new measure of the consensus.
> We note that if there continues to be a consensus for 1), then we
> will forward the draft to the ADs for proposed standard.
> Thanks,
> Bob Hinden & Brian Haberman
> IPv6 w.g. Chairs
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> ipv6@ietf.org
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