> I agree with Dave Thaler from yesterday’s discussion in 6man related to the 
> /127 draft.  In the two router scenario for /127, each router is off-link to 
> the other and then one has nothing to bother about for anycast address.  
> Folks are also encouraged to read the IPv6 Subnet Model RFC where off-link 
> has been clarified  - RFC 5942.
> So now is there anything left to specify for this /127 issue that needs to be 
> described in draft-kohno-ipv6-prefixlen-p2p?

my view is entirely different.
the 64 bit boundary is a suggested policy and not normative. IPv6 is not 
two routers on a /127 are on-link to each other. two /128s would make them 

a off-link node cannot make any assumption on the use of subnet-router anycast 
addresses, reserved anycast space or the validity of u/g bits.

I support adopting the draft as a working group item now.

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