>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christopher Morrow [mailto:christopher.mor...@gmail.com] 
>Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 6:49 PM
>To: Hemant Singh (shemant)
>Cc: Matsuzaki Yoshinobu; ipv6@ietf.org; dtha...@windows.microsoft.com
>Subject: Re: 6man discussion on /127 document @ IETF78

>anyone that configures a router with RA is headed for disaster
>anyway... (not a cpe device mind you, though most of those will get
>addressing via pppoe/pd and not RA so...)

So where does the document say how the IPv6 addresses are assigned?
PPPOE is one, manual configuration is another. SLAAC is another - heck
if one has two routers back to back (I don't care if the two routes are
in the Internet core) I can configure an interface on one router for
IPv6 address autoconfiguration to get a SLAAC address from the other
router on the same link between the two routers using the RA.  RA was
pointed out merely to show how one signals off-link (send traffic to
default router). What both Dave Thaler and I are saying that all the
router has to do is use the ND off-link model (for data forwarding) when
a /127 is configured and then they is no issue with Subnet-Router
Anycast Address.  

>I think the case that maz/miyao outlined is a normal internet backbone
>router, it has many interfaces (several hundred), it has many (several
>hundred) bgp sessions to neighbors. today the interfaces are being
>configured as /127's in some cases.

>This draft, which I support as being a working group item (we really
>should just discuss that portion first, then argue language issues),
>only seeks to clarify that using /127's (or for thayler: "two
>addresses on a single link, which may coincidentally be adjacent
>addresses") is common operations practice and should be supported by
>routing equipment vendors.

Sorry, unless the problem and deployment space is articulated properly,
I do not support this work. I appreciate the problem but I do not think
the document is ready to be accepted as a WG work item.  Also, if Dave
and I are saying, have the router use ND off-link model and then there
is no issue with the Subnet-Router Anycast Address. So now why do we
even need the draft-kohno-ipv6-prefixlen-p2 document?  

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