
Remi Despres a ecrit:
If this this approach is retained, I could contribute on detailed
changes to RFC 3679, with whoever is interested.

Steven Blake wrote:
I agree with this in principle, but there are still a few issues:

- If the sending host sets FL=0, and an intermediate router resets it
non-zero, the receiving host cannot determine whether the sending host or
an intermediate router set the FL.  This may break some e2e applications of
the FL.

Actually, having had a couple of nights more to sleep thinking
about this, I have a couple more questions regarding this argument:

If the sending host sets FL=0, then the receiving host is clearly
not even expecting anything special in that field?

If some e2e application is using the FL, it will surely be using some
signalling method associated with the FL values?

So when a host receives an FL that doesn't match earlier signalling,
it can determine that it was set by an intermediate node, and that
the original FL was zero?

Is there an internet-draft out there that would answer anything
other than "yes" to the above questions?

Can it be altered with reasonable effort so that it too would
yield "yes"es?

        Aleksi Suhonen
        Department of Communications Engineering
        Tampere University of Technology
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