
> Please explain how ll would solve the problem first. Maybe the bcp38+1918 
> thread on nanog on recent days would be instructive. 

which problem? there are several.
with regards to the NANOG reference, I don't quite see the similarity. I 
haven't seen any implementation sourcing packets with a link-local source and 
these getting anywhere.

what I suggested was just to do one of:
1) link-locals only. ICMPs, traceroute etc take a suitably scoped source 
address from e.g a loopback or some other interface.
2) link-locals plus a global /128 if one wants per interface addresses for 
ICMPs etc.

BGP peerings and what not could use link-local addresses. e.g:

router A --------------  router B
fe80::1                        fe80::2
dead:beef::1/128     c001:cafe::2/128

no shared subnet between A and B apart from fe80::/10.


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