
>> BGP peerings and what not could use link-local addresses. e.g:
>> router A --------------  router B
>> fe80::1                        fe80::2
>> dead:beef::1/128     c001:cafe::2/128
> if
>   I get a BGP neighbor down message with fe80::2
> then
>   what address do I ping, trace? I can look at config of router A
>   and my address is dead:beef::1. What's the other side's global address?
>   If router B isn't mine, I may not have a clue.
> The challenge here is that we don't always have the knowledge of
> whats on the other side of the router. When you have tons of these
> links on one router, this is just making trouble shooting harder.
> Even if I did know the other side's global address, monitoring pings
> cannot be sent to fe80::2. We'll have to ping c001:cafe::2 and
> manually link that status with fe80::2 peering session on the NMS.
> I would hate to do that with hundreds of sessions running inside my network.
> That's always been a causes mistakes. We want to monitor what's
> acutally running and not some alias address.

yes, I see that point.
how do you troubleshoot when you get a OSPFv3, RIP, or ISIS neighbor down 
cause then you'd only have a link-local address or a CLNS address. or is BGP 
troubleshooting different in some way?

this is a solvable problem. it could be done through a management system, 
better support in routers, a script pinging the link-local address from the 
router, and I'm sure lots of other solutions.

I'm trying to understand if this is "just" resistance to change (yeah, I know 
both too little and too much got changed with IPv6.) with the argument being 
that "this is how we have done it for the last 20 years and we will continue to 
do it this way whatever argument you make", or if there are real technical and 
operational issues with link-local only (optionally with /128) p2p links.

we as the IETF community need operator input and we need to understand 
operational complexities. thanks for replying. 
(and perhaps even Randy with his ever so charming ways also think so.)

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