>>>>>> please ping my router, it's interface address is: 
>>>>>> fe80::20e:cff:fe5c:b001/64
>>>>>> my monitoring system can't ping this to ensure liveness of the
>>>>>> interface either :(
>>>>> but they can ping whatever global /128 you put on that interface, so why 
>>>>> doesn't that solve the problems?
>>>> Because you are then using one set of addresses for protool peerings
>>>> and another one for global ping - thus making life more complicated
>>>> for the operator.
>>> is that any more "complicated" (I don't quite understand that argument) 
>>> than using IS-IS?
>> Yes. 
> yes. I tried something close to it 5 years ago and it was hell.

how? Jared's "Yes" doesn't exactly help my understanding why this is 
operationally complex.


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